Sunday, November 11, 2012

Camo Face Mask

This was my hand made camo face mask, which took me around a month to weave, the expensive tan color string was bought from Japanese handcraft shop,  the canvas straps was from surplus shop, should be British Army stuff, the helmet loop had three springs saw inside the band, this pic show the mask was completed but still in tan color. 
(Sold with the lot)

This was sprayed by two color to form the camo pattern, I made two masks, I can't recalled this is another one or not,  one was gave to Bud, and he like it so much and want me to take order on it, but I was too lazy to make more, as it was boring to make even the second one.
But I'll make it again but fail to locate colored string, may be order some string for dyeing.

 This was one of the two photo as reference, but back to those old time, the only way to study was to made an enlarged photocopy for details.
(Photo: Andrew Mollo)

This photo showing the other side of the mask and the three pieces 
construction, which was the most important information I needed.
(Photo: Bruce Quarrie)

 My drawing of the construction before purchase the material, the final way to weave was to put rows of nails on the top and bottom on a board, then secure the vertical strings on it, the thinner string then weave between it horizontally. 

Photo: Almark Publication

After all these years when I am writing this blog, I found this tiny photo, both soldier are wearing the camo masks on top of their nude helmets, and it proofed my wild guess of the spring construction was correct, and gave more information for my next mask. Also technology made the tiny pic enlarged to next level.

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