Sunday, October 28, 2012

My Helmets

This was the M42, may be  from DML shop or second hand,just forgot, which should came from Unique Import Inc, of course not in US$19.90 but something around HK$300, quiet a lot of money then, also can't recalled respray or not. Liner size should be 58, just fit for me, forgot where the decals came from, should be from YML. (sold)

This was my first helmet; the M35 repaint helmet from DML Waterloo road old shop,I still remember first time I saw four to five stack up of German helmets, around fifty or sixty of them, should be came from Unique Imports Inc in huge discount price, no marking of the version and sizes, I knew nothing about the size, just pick up one of it which looks good to me, and the selling was good, all sold out fast, which was the one and only German helmets for sale in such a column,  my helmet liner size was later  found 54, which made me headache, a pitch of brown hair was found between the shell anf the liner. I strapped the thick paint, resprayed Humbrol Enamel Field Gray and decals from YMC of Japan. (sold)

Long before the the memory cards invented, all photos was taken from film camera, I had not took any photos of individual helmets, the only image left are all here. 

This was the Transitional M17 helmet with M31 liner, don't know the size but comfortable, should be size 58, came from Berry Smith, expensive but forgot the price, its came with decals, but looks quiet new and intact?? (sold)

Back then I knew nothing of the difference of M35 and M40, not to mention  the M36 variations, the parade helmets......

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